Operating Rules
IČ: 27432777, se sídlem Praha 1 - Staré Město, Karolíny Světlé 301/8, PSČ 11000, společnosti vedené u Městského soudu v Praze pod sp.zn. C 112382
1. Study attendance regulations
1.1. In the premises of the BIKRAM YOGA PRAGUE s.r.o. studio, smoking, use of open flames, consumption of alcoholic beverages and other intoxicating substances are prohibited.
1.2. Yoga class times follow the schedule on the studio's website.
1.3. K odkládání věcí klienta v době konání lekce jsou určeny uzamykatelné skříňky v šatnách. K uložení cenností jsou určeny uzamykatelné sejfy na recepci studia. Za věci odložené mimo takto určená místa nenese studio odpovědnost.
1.4. The client is obliged to submit a completed and signed entry form before the first lesson he attends. Persons under the age of 18 must submit a form signed by a legal representative.
1.5. Klienti se účastní lekcí nebo seminářů pořádaných ve studiu na vlastní nebezpečí. Provozovatel nenese odpovědnost za případné újmy na zdraví.
1.6 It is necessary to arrive at lessons and seminars on time, but at least 5 minutes before the announced start time. After the start of the lesson, the client will not be admitted to the lesson. Reservations are always canceled 10 minutes before the start of the lesson.
1.7 Recepce studia je otevřena vždy 30 minut před a po lekci.
1.8 The client must always leave the studio no later than 60 minutes after the end of the lesson.
1.9 The client must observe personal hygiene of the body, oral cavity and feet.
1.10 Klient musí omezit dobu sprchování na maximálně 3 až 4 minuty.
2. Health status
2.1 By signing the entry form, the client confirms that he is aware of his state of health, fitness for sports performance, and by participating in the lesson confirms that he is physically and mentally fit, does not suffer from health disorders that would prevent or limit him from physical exercise. Otherwise, the client participates in the lesson at his own risk and responsibility.
3. Price of goods and terms of payment
3.1 The buyer can pay the price of the goods and services to the seller in the following ways:
in cash at the studio reception,
by payment card at the studio reception,
cashless on the basis of an advance invoice by transfer to the seller's account indicated on the issued and sent advance invoice,
via the e-shop on the website www.bikramyoga.cz
3.2 In the case of non-cash payment, the client variable payment symbol, which is the invoice number or the client's phone number. In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is paid when the relevant amount is credited to the company's account.
3.3 Any discounts on the price of goods and services provided to the client cannot be combined with each other.
4. Cancellation terms
4.1. One-time ticket, i.e. a non-transferable ticket for a certain or indefinite number of lessons for a certain period of time, is used up after the specified period has expired. The timed ticket is valid from the moment payment is received and cannot be canceled once payment has been received.
4.2. Payment of course fees for extraordinary lessons or seminars is non-refundable, however transferable to another participant. The client can find a substitute for himself.
4.3. Gift vouchers: if the holder of the gift voucher does not complete the lessons within the given time limit, the gift voucher is forfeited and it is not possible to claim financial compensation.
5. Cancellation of the event by the studio
5.1. The studio reserves the right, in necessary cases, to cancel any lesson, seminar or other event organized before it
at the beginning or during it. In the event that a lesson or seminar is cancelled by the party studies, the course fee will be refunded in full or replaced with credit or a substitute lesson free of charge.
5.2. The cancellation of a regular lesson is announced in the lesson schedule on the website a
the client has the option to choose another lesson, at another time.
6. Protection of personal data
6.1 The company processes personal data for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the rights and obligations arising from the contract with the client. The processed personal data is provided with the highest standard of protection in accordance with the legal regulations in the area of personal data protection and the "statement on the protection of personal data for customers" listed on the seller's websitewww.bikramyoga.cz/prohlaseni-o-ochrane-osobnich-udaju/
6.2 The company undertakes to observe the confidentiality of the client's personal data and to provide them with sufficient protection so that there can be no unauthorized or accidental access to personal data, their change, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfers, their unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse of personal data .
6.3 The company processes personal data in the exact form in which it is obtained from the client, in accordance with the specified purpose for which it is processed and to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of such purpose, and keeps it only for the time necessary for the purpose of its processing.
6.4 The client is entitled, in addition to his rights arising from legal regulations (if he is the subject of personal data processing), to request the company to provide information on the scope of personal data processing in relation to the performance of the contract with the buyer.
By signing the entry form, the client confirms that he/she has been familiarized with the "personal data protection statement for customers".
7. Private lessons
7.1 Private lessons are always arranged individually. You can cancel a private lesson up to 24 hours before it takes place. In case of cancellation less than 24 hours in advance, the price of the entire lesson is forfeited.
8. Other Provisions
8.1 The studio has the right to exclude from a lesson, seminar or event a participant who has violated or violates the above rules in the past, regardless of how he disrupts the course of the lessons or his behavior is contrary to good manners. In this case, the client is not entitled to a refund of the entrance fee for the lesson during which he was excluded.
8.2 Studio si vyhrazuje právo vyloučit z lekce nebo ukončit smluvní vztah s klientem v případě, kdy studio získá oprávněné pochybnosti o zdravotní způsobilosti klienta k účasti na lekcích, popř. o jeho nepříznivém vlivu na další klienty. V takovém případě studio vrátí klientovi poměrnou část ceny jeho již zakoupených a dosud nevyužitých vstupů.
8.3 Společnost má právo tento provozní řád jednostranně změnit či doplnit a vhodným způsobem o tom klienta informovat.
8.4 The operating regulations are publicly available on the website https://www.bikramyoga.cz/provozni-rad/
Tento provozní řád je platný ode dne 23.5.2018